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Comparative Theology

Bishop Appasamy and Comparative Theology in India

Lecture Type: 
Graduate Seminar
Full Name (inc. titles): 
Brian Dunn
Thursday, May 31, 2012 - 14:00 to 15:00
OCHS Library

A.J. Appasamy (1891-1975) was a Harvard, Oxford and Marburg trained Tamil Christian theologian who served as an Anglican priest and seminary professor in India before Independence, and post-Independence, as the first Bishop of Coimbatore in the Church of South India. Working from the premise that doctrines and theological systems are largely cultural and linguistic negotiations, and therefore provisional rather than permanent constructs, Appasamy’s earliest interest was in recasting Christianity as a living bhakti (‘devotional’) tradition in the Subcontinent.

First name (inc. titles): 

God, Being and Beyond: Outlines of a Comparative Theology

Lecture Type: 
Majewski Lecture
Full Name (inc. titles): 
Professor C. Ram-Prasad
Monday, February 27, 2012 - 17:00 to 18:00
Lecture Room 1, Oriental Institute

While the differences between Sankara's and Ramanuja's systems as found in their respective commentaries on the Brahmasutras are relatively well-known, much commented on and highly influential in the living traditions, there has been surprisingly little attention paid to a comparative understanding of their Bhagavad Gita commentaries. Yet, in those works, they offer interpretations particular to the nature and structure of the Gita that do not map directly onto their other standard works.

First name (inc. titles): 
Professor C.

The study Of Vaishnava and Christian Theology

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Professor Francis X. Clooney, SJ
Friday, October 27, 2000 - 15:30
First name (inc. titles): 
Professor Francis X.

Hindu goddesses and Christian theology: With special attention to two Tamil hymns in the antati style

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Professor Francis X. Clooney, SJ
Tuesday, February 25, 2003 - 15:15
First name (inc. titles): 
Professor Francis X.

Christian and Indian traditions in historical perspective (part of the 'Relating to the other: Hindu and Christian perspectives' series)

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Dr Dermot Killingley
Thursday, January 29, 2004 - 12:45

Part of the 'Relating to the other: Hindu and Christian perspectives' series.

First name (inc. titles): 
Dr Dermot

Understanding Hindus as an educational exercise in understanding self and other

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Peggy Morgan
Thursday, January 22, 2004 - 12:45

Part of the 'Relating to the other: Hindu and Christian perspectives' series.

First name (inc. titles): 

Authority and scripture in Hindu and Christian thought

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Professor Francis X. Clooney, SJ
Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 12:45

Part of the 'Relating to the other: Hindu and Christian perspectives' series.

First name (inc. titles): 
Professor Francis X.

Violence and peacemaking in Hindu and Christian tradition

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Dr Kenneth Valpey
Thursday, February 12, 2004 - 12:45

Part of the 'Relating to the other: Hindu and Christian perspectives' series.

First name (inc. titles): 
Dr Kenneth

Violence and peacemaking in Hindu and Christian tradition

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Rev. Dr Stephen Finamore
Thursday, February 12, 2004 - 12:45

Part of the 'Relating to the other: Hindu and Christian perspectives' series.

First name (inc. titles): 
Rev. Dr Stephen

Christian theological responses to Hinduism (part of the 'Relating to the other: Hindu and Christian perspectives' series)

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Dr Ravi Gupta
Thursday, February 19, 2004 - 12:45

Part of the 'Relating to the other: Hindu and Christian perspectives' series.

First name (inc. titles): 
Dr Ravi
