Is there a Hindu monotheism? (five lectures)
Professor Francis X. Clooney, SJ
Saturday, 1 May 2010 - 9:30am to 5:30pm
In light of Biblical and Christian reflections on monotheism (week 1), an inquiry, by way of four examples (weeks 2-6), into the nature of Hindu belief in one supreme divinity, asking whether such belief can be termed "monotheistic." No background in Hindu studies required.
Week 1: Refining the question - Biblical and Christian monotheism, Hindu traditions, and the problem of a comparative study of monotheism
Week 2: The case for Krsna and Siva as the one true God - early resources in the Bhagavad-Gita and Svetasvatara Upanisad
Week 3: No lecture.
Week 4: Narayana alone, in medieval Tamil Vaisnavism - Tiruvaymoli 4.10 and Vedanta Desika's Srimat Rahasyatrayasara c. 6.
Week 5: Is the Goddess a monotheist? Reflection on three Goddess hymns and the Devi Gita
Week 6: In dialogue with the West: Rammohun Roy and 19th century Hindu monotheisms.