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Download lectures in MP3 format

The OCHS web team have launched a section of our website devoted to lecture downloads. Presently we can offer downloads in MP3 format but we are also working on facility to listen online and Podcasts.

These lectures and seminars are offered mainly as reference material for scholars and students interested in the topics covered. We offer the service in an effort to help develop the field of Hindu Studies and make good scholarship more accessible.

'Lakshmi comes and goes but Sarasvati stays forever': New scholarships bring good fortune to OCHS students

New scholarships are being established and awarded to deserving students at the OCHS, making life easier for those who are studying far from home.

Two Asvatta Narayana scholarships were awarded at a special lunch marking the end of the Michaelmas term for OCHS students old and new.

OCHS helps international Hindu studies grow

Our ambition to encourage international growth in Hindu studies has borne new fruit in agreements with universities as far apart as Baroda and Florida.

The development of Hindu Studies is now a global concern, yielding affiliations that bring together scholars, students, fresh perspectives, and new insights, in a common appreciation of Hindu culture and its importance for the world.

Diwali, desire, and different religions: Recent events at OCHS

The past few months at OCHS have been busy ones, full of talks and events that brought OCHS scholars together with a wider public, in a shared love of Indian culture. Diwali at the Ashmolean British Council and Royal Commonwealth Society Comparative Dialogue

OCHS unveils its online lecture library: MP3 lectures and podcasts

The OCHS has officially unveiled its unique Online Library of over 100 MP3 recordings of lectures and seminars. Anyone with a computer and an internet connection now has free access to the best of Oxford's teaching about Hindu Culture.

From Female Yoginis to Christian Ashrams, from Hindu Psychology to the history of NRIs, you can find a topic that whets your appetite.

The OCHS is committed to the idea that academic insights are meant for everyone.

Hindus, scholars and Hindu scholars: Who speaks for Hinduism?

A speech by Dr Ravi Gupta, Board of Governor's Dinner, Oxford Town Hall, 23rd June 2006

Ladies and gentlemen, good evening! It is a great pleasure to be present in such a distinguished gathering of individuals. This is a homecoming of sorts for me—I studied at Oxford for six years and then went off into the real world, as they say. Now, after a year of full time teaching at the University of Florida, it is great to be back with friends at the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies.

My first year teaching in the United States brought many surprises, but one of the most interesting was the experience of teaching young Hindus about Hinduism. When I walked into class on the first day, I was surprised to find that nearly one third of my class were second generation Hindus—children of Indian immigrants who have lived their lives so far in the United States. Now they were sitting in class at the University of Florida hoping to learn more about a religious heritage which they claim as their own but perhaps are not entirely comfortable with.

OCHS wins Oxford recognition

Oxford University has recently given its official seal of approval to OCHS by awarding it with the newly created status of "Recognised Independent Centre of Oxford University" - a self governing academic institution that works in harmony with the University to enrich its field of study.

OCHS is one of the youngest institutions to receive this stamp of approval from Oxford.

Friends update, comedy, dinner, and golf

As the Centre renews its lease on the current buildings in Oxford until 2013, the OCHS Friend's Campaign is continuing to strengthen its foundations by developing new friends and benefactors. A programme of events organised by Friends of the OCHS is ongoing.

On January 27th, Yaksha and Kamlesh Patel held the first of this year's programmes at the Royal Society of Arts. This was the fourth such event Yaksha and Kamlesh have organised in the last two years. Others have included lectures at their home.

New awards for OCHS students

Thanks to kind donations from friends of OCHS, two new awards have been established to recognise OCHS scholars for their academic excellence and outstanding achievements.

Senior scholars come as Shivdasani Fellows

Spring brought two new Shivdasani Fellows to the centre: visiting scholars who use their time in Oxford to teach, discuss, and open a new window onto Indian culture.

New books in Routledge Hindu Studies Series

The Routledge Hindu Studies Series, in association with OCHS, is going from strength to strength under the auspices of new editor, Prof. Gavin Flood. Developed to bring the depth and originality of current scholarship into the public sphere, the Routledge/OCHS series brings ancient Hindu traditions into dialogue with the latest trends in contemporary thought. New and forthcoming titles explore new horizons for understanding India's religion, history and culture.

Discovering ancient societies in Hindu temples

Our Shivdasani Visiting Fellow for Michaelmas term was Dr Himanshu Prabha Ray, who took a term away from the Centre for Historical Studies in Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi to explore the archaeology of ancient Hindu temples in her talks at the OCHS.

With degrees in Archaeology, Sanskrit and Ancient Indian History, Dr Ray was well equipped to give an inter-disciplinary perspective on much neglected aspects of the ancient Indians' experience of everyday life.