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OCHS and the Dow Jones Dharma index

In October 2006, Emerging Markets Group (EMG) invited OCHS to participate in discussions on the formation of a Dharma Index, identifying a gap in the market for ethical investment packages suited to Hindu needs. The OCHS’s role was to provide the academic underpinnings of the Index.

OCHS Academic Director, Prof. Gavin Flood, sees this as ‘an excellent opportunity for the Centre to show that Hindu Studies is relevant in a way that no-one previously thought possible.’

Surrender to God in Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism

Speakers: Professor Julius Lipner, Dr. Yahya Michot, Professor Keith Ward

This afternoon conference examined the idea of surrender to God in three religions and provided the opportunity to address comparative theological concerns.

In all three traditions there is the idea of human surrender to God. The conference explored what this means in the different traditions and looks towards a theological dialogue between them. Each speaker made a presentation and each responded to the other presentations, ending with a plenary discussion.

Shivdasani Conference 2007

MP3 and images from the conference are available at

The Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies is pleased to announce the Shivdasani Conference – Archaeology and Text: The Temple in South Asia.

This conference, to be held at Trinity College, Oxford, on the weekend of 20–21 October, is an attempt at understanding sacred spaces as they came to be defined in the archaeological record from around the latter half of the first millennium BC onwards.

OCHS Friends and Funds Campaign: From short-term deficit to long-term planning

As 2006 drew to a close it became apparent that the accelerated growth of the OCHS left us with a budget shortfall for the year. OCHS Director, Shaunaka Rishi Das, said: 'Until now the OCHS has been kept financially viable thanks to the dedication of a small group of supporters. As the Centre reaches new heights, new funding sources must be found to allow us to consolidate our base and allow for further expansion.'

The first step in bringing the Centre back to financial health was addressed at a special meeting of Benefactors and Friends on 16 November 2006.

First among firsts

Claire Robison, our first ever undergraduate student, has completed her degree with a First that placed her first in her year in Oxford University's Theology Faculty. She is also the recipient of the Denyer and Johnson prize, awarded on the recommendation of the examiners in the Final Honour School of Theology.

Claire's study was a combination of Christian and Biblical studies and the study of Hinduism, particularly Vaishnavism. She describes it as 'a study of theology and religions from many different angles'.
'It's a great honour' said Claire, 'and indeed an unexpected one.

Icon meets murti in Hindu-Christian dialogue

Comparative Theology is a fast growing field in academia, and one that the OCHS is committed to developing.

In February we hosted the 'Icon and Murti' seminars with Drs Matthew Steenberg and Kenneth Valpey. These seminars examined the issue of representation of the divine in Christian Orthodoxy and Vaishnava Hinduism. Questions were raised about how a transcendent reality can be represented, the function of such representations, and the degree to which such mediations are thought to be required by tradition.

Friends events for 2007

At a meeting of benefactors in May, it was suggested that each member of our Benefactors Council organise one event to aid the OCHS every three years. That would mean a calendar with one event per month. This would benefit the OCHS greatly in terms of finance and profile-raising.

The first of these events was a Golf Day on Thursday 7 June 2007. Thanks to Bharat Bhundia for coming up with the idea; Rasik Varsani, Jayesh Popat, and Dinesh Hirani for inviting guests; and Mansuk Jivraj for supplying snacks during the day. We would like to see this become a regular event.

New faces on the Board of Governors

Academic developments at the Centre are being mirrored by organisational developments. One of these has been the first major change to the Board of Governors since its inception. The Board elected Lord Dholakia, OBE, DL, as its chair and is pleased to welcome four new members: Harish I. K. Patel, Promod Thakkar, Dr John Muddiman, and Prof. Martin Goodman, FBA.

Lord Dholakia has been a staunch supporter and advocate of the OCHS since its earliest days and is the Chair of our Annual Revenue Fund. Harish I. K. Patel and Promod Thakkar, respected members of the Asian business community, have been generous with their friendship and business acumen, greatly helping the OCHS on the road to developing a professional infrastructure that will allow its academic achievements to realise their full potential.

Prof. Gavin Flood re-appointed as Academic Director

The Academic Appointments Committee is pleased to have secured the services of Prof. Gavin Flood as Academic Director for a further five years.

Now that Prof. Flood's position as Academic Director has been secured it becomes possible to develop a number of new teaching directions. Along with Hinduism I and II, Prof. Flood intends to offer more courses within his areas of specialisation and in broader fields.

Spring's new Shivdasani Fellows at OCHS

Trinity Term at OCHS saw two new Shivdasani fellows coming to Oxford: Prof. Shashiprabha Kumar, Professor of Sanskrit at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Delhi, and Dr Sangeetha Menon from the National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore. The Shivdasani Fellowship exists to enable outstanding scholars of Indian nationality to come and study and teach at Oxford University.

Prof. Kumar specialises in Nyaya-Vaisesika and has published widely in this field over the past thirty years. During her stay at the OCHS she delivered two lectures and presented two seminars.

OCHS website re-vamped and re-launched

The OCHS web-team led by professional web-designer, Mr Patrick Tusler, has just completed the relaunch of our site - Patrick, a longstanding Friend of the Centre, has been involved in the development of the site since its earliest days. His stated goal is 'to make an even more welcoming site to our thousands of dedicated visitors, and to show new visitors the wide range of facilities that we offer.'

 Patrick and the team have recoded the entire site giving it a cleaner interface and have improved the navigation.

Fund raising campaigns

In November 2006, we held a Benefactors meeting to look at that year's shortfall of £40,000.The appeal, launched by the Benefactors Council and co-ordinated by Dr Ramesh Shamdasani, ably assisted by Kamlesh Patel, Jamin Patel, Harish I. K. Patel, and Upendra Kalan raised £41,500.

The extra £1500 has been put into a corpus account that is being built up to protect against future deficits.

Our Board of Governors and Benefactors Council would like to thank all our friends who have made this appeal such a wonderful success.