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Lectures on Games

Board games a metaphor for spiritual growth

Professor Vasantha Rangachar
28 Oct 2004

Related: Games

Do games and play have a religious character?

Professor Vasantha Rangachar
4 Nov 2004

Related: Games

Consulting God through boards and gaming pieces

Shivdasani Lecture
Professor Vasantha Rangachar
11 Nov 2004

The turf, the tennis court, the chess board, and pavement hopscotch cannot formally be distinguished from the temple or the magic circle. Game diagrams were built into roofing slabs or the floor of temples in ancient India, sometimes carved into the cloister seats. Professor Rangachar explores how the devotee, the deity, and the game met.

Related: Games

In Hindu tradition is gaming and gambling fun or a sin?

Professor Vasantha Rangachar
18 Nov 2004

Any discussion of the motivation of gambling usually starts with the natural comparison to life. Life is a gamble. Everyday, people are faced with situations which involve risk and chance. Professor Rangachar looks at the religious antecedents of gaming and the reaction to its development.

Related: Ethics, Games