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Christian theological responses to Hinduism (part of the 'Relating to the other: Hindu and Christian perspectives' series)

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Rev. Dr Michael Barnes
Thursday, February 19, 2004 - 12:45

Part of the 'Relating to the other: Hindu and Christian perspectives' series.

First name (inc. titles): 
Rev. Dr Michael

The Apirami Antati and Mataracamman Antati: Hindu and Christian theological hymns in a Tamil style

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Professor Francis X. Clooney, SJ
Friday, March 5, 2004 - 12:45
First name (inc. titles): 
Professor Francis X.

A Christian understanding of monotheism: In conversation with Hindu perspectives

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Professor George Pattison
Thursday, May 27, 2004 - 12:15
First name (inc. titles): 
Professor George

Fifty years of ashram life: Reminiscences from jyotiniketan

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Rev. Dr Murray Rogers
Friday, June 11, 2004 - 11:30
First name (inc. titles): 
Rev. Dr Murray

The mediator: The priest in film

Lecture Type: 
Religion and film seminars
Full Name (inc. titles): 
Professor George Pattison
Monday, February 27, 2006 - 13:15

Prof. George Pattison, Theology Faculty, Christchurch College, Oxford

First name (inc. titles): 
Professor George

Towards a comparative theology of the person

Lecture Type: 
Graduate seminar
Full Name (inc. titles): 
Nicholas Bamford
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 - 10:00

Comparative theology is an important area of research in the contemporary world. This paper will develop the idea of the person as a fruitful category for comparative theological inquiry. The seminar will raise questions about the person as an ontological category and its possible future development with particular reference to Saiva theology in dialogue with Orthodox Christianity.

First name (inc. titles): 

Surrender to God in Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism-Professor Ward Talk

Lecture Type: 
Surrender to God in Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism
Full Name (inc. titles): 
Professor Keith Ward
Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 12:00

This afternoon conference examines the idea of surrender to God in three religions and provides the opportunity to address comparative theological concerns. In all three theistic traditions there is the idea of human surrender to God. The conference will explore what this means in the different traditions and look towards a theological dialogue between them.

First name (inc. titles): 
Professor Keith

A Christian theology of religions in light of Hinduism (ten lectures)

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Professor Francis X. Clooney, SJ
Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 09:30 to 17:30

These lectures aim to delineate the methods and goals of a Christian theology of religions informed by the faith, practice, and theologies of another religious tradition. In the limited space of these lectures, the Christian tradition will be discussed primarily in its Roman Catholic form; (certain strands of) Hinduism will serve as the example of another religious tradition.

First name (inc. titles): 
Professor Francis X.

Mystical Traditions in Comparative Perspective: Session Five - The Jewish Roots of Christian Mysticism

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Professor Guy Stroumsa
Friday, March 5, 2010 - 14:00
OCHS Library

Mysticism is a term that has fallen out of use in recent years, partly due to the critique of essentialism in the history of religions, partly due to the recognition that mysticism is particular to tradition and culture and partly due to the orientation to understand religion in terms of a politics of culture that sees religion purely in constructivist terms.

First name (inc. titles): 
Professor Guy

Mystical Traditions in Comparative Perspective: Session Four - Christian mystical traditions 2 ‚ Understanding Apophaticism

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Professor George Pattison
Friday, February 19, 2010 - 14:00
OCHS Library

Mysticism is a term that has fallen out of use in recent years, partly due to the critique of essentialism in the history of religions, partly due to the recognition that mysticism is particular to tradition and culture and partly due to the orientation to understand religion in terms of a politics of culture that sees religion purely in constructivist terms.

First name (inc. titles): 
Professor George
