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Transforming Traditions 2: Krishna's Broken Contract: a Bhakti Reading of the Afghan Invasions in the 18th century

Lecture Type: 
Transforming Traditions Series
Full Name (inc. titles): 
Richard Williams
Monday, February 6, 2012 - 14:00 to 15:00
OCHS Library
First name (inc. titles): 

Hindu saints and poets: Perspectives and examples (seven lectures)

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Professor Charles S. J. White
Sunday, October 20, 2002 - 15:15

This course will focus on the history of Hinduism as it encompasses the religious experience of its holy men and women. Very often, besides being "saints" in the Hindu sense, they were gifted philosophers and/or poets. After the historical and methodological introduction, subsequent lectures will illustrate the contributions of these thinkers and creative writers to the history of Hindu literature.

First name (inc. titles): 
Professor Charles S. J.

Kavya, (literature as an art form) and bhakti

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Dr Daniela Rossella
Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 12:45
First name (inc. titles): 
Dr Daniela

Christian nuptial mysticism and parallels with Indian mystical trends

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Dr Daniela Rossella
Wednesday, February 25, 2004 - 12:45
First name (inc. titles): 
Dr Daniela

Hinduism II lecture series: Yoga, bhakti, tantra (eight lectures)

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Professor Gavin Flood
Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - 11:15

A series of eight lectures

These lectures will examine conceptions of liberation and paths leading to liberation in the history of "Hindu" traditions. After an introductory lecture that raises some of the theological questions about the relation of path to goal and the importance of ritual and asceticism in the history of Indian religions, we will begin with an examination of Samkhya, the philosophical backdrop of Yoga, and move on to the opening Yoga-sutras, their ideal of liberation as isolation (kaivalya), and the means of achieving that goal.
First name (inc. titles): 
Professor Gavin

Hinduism II: Bhakti through vernacular traditions (eight lectures)

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Professor Pratap Kumar
Sunday, May 1, 2005 - 16:30

Eight Sessions

Session 1: Historical Overview of Bhakti in India
Session 2: South Indian Bhakti Traditions: Tamil Alvars
Session 3: North Indian Bhakti Traditions: Kabir, Mirabai, Tulsidas
Session 4: South Indian Shaiva Bhakti: Tamil Nayanmars
Session 5: Shaiva Bhakti in the North (Kashmir)
Session 6: The Goddess Bhakti Tradition of India
Session 7: Goddess in Bengal Tradition (Kali, Uma)
Session 8: Goddess in Popular Hinduism
First name (inc. titles): 
Professor Pratap

Seeing the Bhakti Movement

Lecture Type: 
Shivdasani Conference 2007
Full Name (inc. titles): 
Professor John Stratton Hawley
Sunday, October 21, 2007 - 14:30

Session 14 of the 2007 Shivdasani Conference. 

In this paper, I would propose to ask what we can make of the “bhakti movement” picture, when we look at it more closely.  Prioritizing Vaishnavism—the sometimes unspoken point of reference for much “bhakti movement” thinking—I will begin by considering the text usually held to have exerted the greatest force on Hindu bhakti generally, the Bhagavata Purana.  Where, if at all, can it be seen in stone?
First name (inc. titles): 
Professor John Stratton

Hinduism II: Hindu ideas of liberation Lecture 6: The Sant tradition: Kabir

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Professor Gavin Flood
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 - 11:00
Theology Faculty Seminar Room

These lectures will examine conceptions of liberation and paths leading to liberation in the history of ‘Hindu’ traditions. After an introductory lecture that raises some of the theological questions about the relation of path to goal and the importance of ritual and asceticism in the history of Indian religions, we will begin with an examination of Samkhya, the philosophical backdrop of Yoga, and move on to the opening Yoga-sutras, their ideal of liberation as isolation (kaivalya), and the means of achieving that goal.

First name (inc. titles): 
Professor Gavin

Hinduism II: Hindu ideas of liberation Lecture 4: Bhakti and Yoga in the Bhagavad-gita and its interpreters

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Professor Gavin Flood
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 11:00
Theology Faculty Seminar Room

These lectures will examine conceptions of liberation and paths leading to liberation in the history of ‘Hindu’ traditions. After an introductory lecture that raises some of the theological questions about the relation of path to goal and the importance of ritual and asceticism in the history of Indian religions, we will begin with an examination of Samkhya, the philosophical backdrop of Yoga, and move on to the opening Yoga-sutras, their ideal of liberation as isolation (kaivalya), and the means of achieving that goal.

First name (inc. titles): 
Professor Gavin

Hinduism II: Hindu ideas of liberation Lecture 5: Bhakti literatures and ritual texts

Full Name (inc. titles): 
Professor Gavin Flood
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 - 11:00
Theology Faculty Seminar Room

These lectures will examine conceptions of liberation and paths leading to liberation in the history of ‘Hindu’ traditions. After an introductory lecture that raises some of the theological questions about the relation of path to goal and the importance of ritual and asceticism in the history of Indian religions, we will begin with an examination of Samkhya, the philosophical backdrop of Yoga, and move on to the opening Yoga-sutras, their ideal of liberation as isolation (kaivalya), and the means of achieving that goal.

First name (inc. titles): 
Professor Gavin
