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Two South Indian Hindu comparativists: J. M. Nallaswamy Pillai (Saiva) and Algonda Govindacharya (Vaishnava)

Lecture Type: 
Fin de siecle seminar
Full Name (inc. titles): 
Professor Francis X. Clooney, SJ
Thursday, May 6, 2004 - 12:15
First name (inc. titles): 
Professor Francis X.

The concept of dharma in Vaisesika

Lecture Type: 
Shivdasani Seminar
Full Name (inc. titles): 
Dr Shashiprabha Kumar
Monday, April 30, 2007 - 18:00

This lecture will examine various aspects of dharma as suggested in the Vaisesika system, namely its historical, metaphysical, and moral aspects. The concept of dharma is so central in Vaisesika philosophy that Kanada begins his discourse with an aim of explaining dharma.

First name (inc. titles): 
Dr Shashiprabha

Consciousness and cognition in Vaisesika

Lecture Type: 
Shivdasani Seminar
Full Name (inc. titles): 
Dr Shashiprabha Kumar
Thursday, April 26, 2007 - 18:00

The seminar intends to discuss the nature of consciousness as expounded in the early system of Vaisesika, which deals with the problem of consciousness in relation to the process of cognition in general. In other words, knowledge is an adventitious attribute which inheres in the substance called atman (soul) only when it is embodied. During this seminar, the various implications and formulations of this view in Vaisesika sources will be examined.

First name (inc. titles): 
Dr Shashiprabha

Sabda as pramana in Vaisesika

Lecture Type: 
Shivdasani Seminar
Full Name (inc. titles): 
Dr Shashiprabha Kumar
Thursday, May 10, 2007 - 17:45

The seminar examines the nature of sabda in the Vaisesika system which has been discussed there both as a guna of akasha, and as a pramana. The former is expressed in the ancient Vaisesika tradition, from Kanada up to Udayana, whereas the latter is explored in the later tradition, starting from its amalgamation with Nyaya and opposition to Buddhism. This seminar will cover both these aspects, with an emphasis on the role of sabda as a pramana.

First name (inc. titles): 
Dr Shashiprabha

Twentieth-century Sanskrit commentaries on the Vaisesikasutras

Lecture Type: 
Shivdasani Lecture
Full Name (inc. titles): 
Dr Shashiprabha Kumar
Monday, May 14, 2007 - 16:15

This lecture highlights five Sanskrit commentaries on the Vaisesikasutras that have been written and published in the last century. The commentaries are: (i) Vaidikavritih, by Pt. Hariprasada, Nirnayasagar, 1951; (ii) Rasayana, by Sri Uttamur Viraraghavacharya, Madras, 1958; (iii) Brahmamunibhasyam, by Swami Brahmamuni, Baroda, 1962; (iv) Vedabhaskarabhasyam, by Pt. Kashinath Sharma, Himachal, 1972; (v) Sugama, by Desika Tirumalai Tatacharya, Allahabad, 1979.

Dr Shashiprabha Kumar is Professor in Sanskrit Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University and specialises in Nyaya-Vaisesika.
First name (inc. titles): 
Dr Shashiprabha

The Concept of a Category in Vaisesika Philosophy

Lecture Type: 
Shivdasani Conference 2009
Full Name (inc. titles): 
Dr Shashiprabha Kumar
Sunday, October 11, 2009 - 14:30
Somerville College

The present paper proposes to put forth a general outline of categories (=padarthas) as available in the Vaisesika system of Indian philosophy.

First name (inc. titles): 
Dr Shashiprabha