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New intern for the OCHS

This month OCHS welcomed Raam Chauhan as an intern at the Centre for two weeks. His family are well known to the OCHS as his parents, Raj and Ramila Chauhan, are key members of the Leicester Friends group and strong supporters of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies. Raam is currently in his fourth year, studying Chemistry at Oxford University and donated some of his time to the Centre before starting his term in September.

Raam mainly worked alongside Judit Bajusz, the Centre’s Administrative Secretary and helped organise filing of the Centre’s historical records. He also managed to digitise the VHS video archive, most of which will soon be uploaded onto the OCHS website.

The Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies offers a range of internships for those who would like to assist the Centre and gain valuable skills working in Oxford. If you would like more information on internships please email our development Administrator, Lal Krishna at