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Sherwood Forest: Barclays cycle for the poor (of the OCHS)

The NRI Banking team from Barclays, OCHS
The NRI Banking team from Barclays

Fifteen bankers from the Barclays Non-Resident-Indian (NRI) banking team in the United Kingdom took part in a ten-kilometre bicycle and tricycle ride. The enthusiasm in supporting a good cause was inspiring. This transfer from the rich to the poor in a different age took place in Sherwood Forest, once home to the famous Robin Hood. The team were in high spirits and they all had a great time. We are pleased to report that no one fell of their bicycles.

Barclays employees around the world are encouraged and supported to give their time and skills to their chosen community causes. The Bike-a-Thon raised five thousand pounds, which Barclays matched with three thousand pounds by conducting a matched fund raising event to support one of their recognised charities.
Shaunaka Rishi Das, the director of the OCHS was also present at the event. He joined the ride, which took place around the beautiful paths of Centre Parcs in Sherwood Forest. He was pleased with the results of the event and was happy to discuss the benefits this funding would bring to the Centre. “The funds we have raised here enable us to support bright students and scholars from around the world to gain a mature understanding of Indian thought and practice.”