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Friends Event: Hindu Approaches to Childhood

Birmingham Friends Event
Saturday, 19 March 2016 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

A talk by Brainerd prince of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies

With the global effort to protect the rights of children, have we lost a healthy understanding of the role of the family as the centre of a child's social structure? How can Hindu approaches to children and particularly their relationship to parents offer a corrective to other modern notions – is there a Hindu contribution to the current debate on child rights?

Friends Event: How can Hindus Engage with Other Religious Traditions?

Leicester Friends Event
Saturday, 2 April 2016 - 6:30pm to 9:00pm

A talk by Dr Brainerd Prince of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies

We live in religiously diverse societies. One way to gain recognition and create space is to resort to name calling, violence, and conflict. But Hindu communities have always lived with diversity. So, how can contemporary Hindus engage with other religious traditions even as they strive to hold their own in our multicultural societies.

Friends Event: The Boomerang Effect: Karma, Causation, and Rebirth

Leicester Friends Event
Saturday, 2 July 2016 - 6:30pm to 9:00pm

A talk by Dr Ramesh Pattni of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies

A major concept that distinguishes Indian philosophy from European philosophy is karma. Karma can be regarded as the application of the law of cause and effect – that all actions have consequences that will affect the doer of the action. So stated, it might seem that the law of karma is nothing other than the law of universal causation, according to which every action or event is caused. Clearly the two laws are related, though the precise nature of this relationship needs reflection.

Friends Event: Living with Diversity Today

Leicester Friends Event
Saturday, 6 February 2016 - 6:30pm to 9:00pm

Rev Tom Wilson, Director of St Philips Centre, and Shaunaka Rishi Das of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies

A public conversation to explore the issues and promote an open discussion. Leicester is one of the most diverse cities in Britain. How could people with such different cultural, religious, and culinary habits ever be truly British? Can British people really support Indian cricket? Three generations later and we ask similar questions of Eastern Europeans, Russians, and Somalians. How deep is our multiculturalism? Where does diversity start? What are the barriers?

OCHS Academic Director leaves for Singapore

Prof. Gavin Flood, the Academic Director of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies is leaving Oxford to take up a chair in Comparative Religion at the National University of Singapore after more than ten years invaluable service at the heart of Hindu Studies in Oxford.

While at the OCHS he was Consulting Editor of the Journal of Hindu Studies and produced three books: The Truth Within: A History of Inwardness in Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism; The Bhagavad Gita: A New Translation; and The Importance Of Religion: Meaning In Our Strange World. His earlier work, Introduction to Hinduism,

Friends Event: Humility in the Gita

Birmingham Friends Event
Saturday, 23 January 2016 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

A talk by Shaunaka Rishi Das of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies

The Bhagavad-gita is a conversation that takes place on a battlefield, just prior to a conflict that ends in death and misery for most of the participants. Its a strange text therefore in which to find humility emerging as one of its important principles. In fact humility is the basis on which Arjuna, one of the most valiant of the warriors present, finally decides to participate.

FOCHS Event: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Hindus

Leicester Friends Event
Saturday, 16 January 2016 - 6:30pm to 9:00pm

A talk by Anuradha Dooney of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies

Once again the New Year heralds hope for improvement in all areas of our lives. We all know we are capable of great intention and noble goals, yet behaviour often falls short of the plan. This talk does not promise to 'Change Your Life' or 'Make you Happy', but it does offer insights from characters in Hindu sacred texts who seem to get it together in difficult circumstance. How might a particular characteristic of Prahlad, Pariksit, Narada, Queen Kunti, and Valmiki, amongst others, help us today?

Friends Event: The Great Goddess in Hinduism

Leicester Friends Event
Saturday, 5 March 2016 - 6:30pm to 9:00pm

A talk by Silje Lyngar Einarsen of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies

The emphasis placed on goddesses and the divine feminine makes Hinduism truly unique among the world religions. Not only does the feminine dimension permeate Hinduism in various forms—from the concept of prakṛti in Sāṃkhya philosophy to rural village goddesses—but the Goddess is also proclaimed as the highest reality in the monistic Śākta traditions. This talk will examine ways in which the divine feminine has been viewed in Hindu traditions.

Friends Event: Rama's Diwali

Leicester Friends Event
Saturday, 7 November 2015 - 6:30pm to 9:00pm

A talk by Anuradha Dooney of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies

Diwali is one of Hinduism’s most inclusive festivals and is now celebrated worldwide. One of the most famous of the many Diwali stories is the story of Lord Rama. What does Rama’s Diwali tell us about community and duty, morality and social responsibility? In this talk we look at the story and then go deeper to consider what insights Diwali can bring to the contemporary world.

Friends Event: A Hindu Vision of Childhood and Parenting

Leicester Friends Event
Saturday, 3 October 2015 - 6:30pm to 9:00pm

A talk by Brainerd prince of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies and Saloni Patel

With the global effort to protect the rights of children, have we lost a healthy understanding of the role of the family as the centre of a child's social structure? How can Hindu approaches to children and particularly their relationship to parents offer a corrective to other modern notions – is there a Hindu contribution to the current debate on child rights?

HUM alumni dinner

On 24 September, Oxford’s Hindu Society, HUM, will be holding an alumni dinner in support of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies.

HUM has always enjoyed close ties with the OCHS and this evening will bring together old friends for a three-course meal at the Regency Hotel, London, kindly provided by OCHS Benefactor, Mr Harish I.K. Patel.

The dinner will also be the launch of the HUM Alumni Community, allowing students to keep in touch with each other, the Centre, and Oxford.

The guest speaker for the evening will be Ramesh Venkataraman, a Senior Managing Director at Samena Capital, who will

Friends Event: Conversion in Hindu Culture

Leicester Friends Event
Saturday, 1 August 2015 - 6:30pm to 9:00pm

A talk by by Shaunaka Rishi Das of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies

The word conversion conjures up images of determined zealots, waving their book, and haranguing a fallen soul to turn to the one true God. The issue of conversion in India has resulted in death and the destruction of sacred places. Some Hindus stand firmly by the assertion that there is no conversion in Hindu tradition. Some say you become a Hindu only by birth, and others maintain that the impure should not even be allowed into temples.