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Indian Institute of Technology visit to OCHS

On a lovely mid-summer's day last August, the London Chapter of the Indian Institute of Technology organised a trip of association members, their families and friends to OCHS.

Strictly dandia

Mr Harish IK Patel and Mr Bharat Bhundia arranged a special fundraiser for the OCHS at a showing of 'Strictly Dandia', at the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith, London.

The performance on Saturday 7 th January was well attended and the lively and funny dance drama that went down very well with the audience. The play was written by Sudha Bhuchar and Kristine London-smith and performed by London's Tamasha Theatre company.

Hindu society and culture in 21st Century India and Britain

This is the text of a presentation delivered by Mr Ranjit Sondhi CBE, at the OCHS Board of Governors annual dinner, held in the Oxford Town Hall, on the 23rd June 2004. Mr Sondhi is a member of the BBC Board of Governors as the chairman of the English National Forum. He also serves as a member of the Patrons Council of the OCHS.

Since Shaunaka has very kindly given me an open brief, I thought I might share with you some thoughts about Hindu society and culture (past and present) both in India and Britain.

US 'Friends' organisation

The 'Friends of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies' has been launched in the United States of America.

The Friends Organisation will help the Oxford Centre develop a presence in the United States. It will enable the Centre to conduct programmes there and create awareness of existing study programmes in Oxford. It is an non-profit organisation capable of accepting donations and allowing tax deductions for donors. The IRS number for the incorporated society is: 54-2134081.

Is Hinduism monotheistic?

Is Hinduism monotheistic? Does Hinduism have something in common with Judaism, Christianity, and Islam who all hold a strong belief in one God? How can a religion that seems teeming with various gods of colourful descriptions have a belief in one Supreme?

Our Academic Director, Professor Francis X. Clooney, organised a series of lectures and seminars this term to look at this topic from different perspectives, including Vaishnava, Shiva, and the Goddess traditions. He invited guest speakers for several of the sessions in order to hear experts on other religions like Judaism and Islam.

First Ph.D. students graduate from OCHS

The Centre's first two Doctoral students graduated from Oxford University this year – Ravi Gupta and Kenneth Valpey. As scholars and practitioners of Hinduism, both focused their studies on various aspects of the Hindu tradition.

By providing qualified tutors and academic supervisors to the University and by giving practitioners of Hinduism somewhere to study and live without compromising their practice, the Centre has successfully facilitated these two and many others' stays in Oxford.

Tamal Krishna Goswami Visiting Fellow 2004

Dr.Vidya Sayinath of the University of Madras acquired her degree of Doctorate in the System of Vedanta of Indian Philosophy. Her thesis refers to the epistemological aspect as elucidated by Sankara and Ramanuja.

Digital Shikshapatri Project online

The Shikshapatri, a text sacred to the Swaminaryan community, is now online for scholars, community members and the general public. This site provides a wide variety of online resources which set the Shikshapatri in its historical, cultural and religious context. It is designed to help people of all backgrounds to better understand the significance of this manuscript, which receives hundreds of visitors every year.

The sites resources include a darshan view - especially for followers; study view - with audio and video; images; key concepts; biographies and articles.

First Hindu Studies Certificate Course launched by the OCHS

From the Hindustan Times

The Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies (OCHS) has recently formed a Continuing Education Department (CED) to facilitate excellence in Hindu Studies in the UK and to make a broad based educational approach available to as wide an audience as possible. The OCHS (CED) is offering a certificate course in Hindu studies, with teaching centers in London and Leicester.
OCHS Director Shaunaka Rishi Das says, "British Hinduism in the UK is in a state of evolution and development as a new generation raised in this country reaches adulthood.

The Wahlstrom Lecture

Mr Todd Wahlstrom, from Denver, Colorado, USA, has established an annual lecture, to be called the Wahlstrom Lecture. Mr Wahlstrom, a long time supporter of the centreis a member of our Benefactors Council.

During a recent visit to Oxford Mr Wahlstrom said, ìIt is important that Hinduism be accorded an excellence of academic study that compares with its profound contribution. I hope that these lectures help contribute to an increased understanding of Hindu culture and open it up for broad discussion.

Appointments 2003-04

Trinity Term (Apr-Jun 04) Shivdasani Fellowship Professor S., Ramaratnam (Ph.D. Sanskrit, University of Madras) is Visiting Scholar at the Oxford Centre for Vaishnava and Hindu Studies during Trinity Term 2003. He is Principal of the Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College in Chennai (Madras), India. His wide range of publications and research interests include Sanskrit grammar and poetry, and the practice and theory of Hindu domestic ritual.

Hilary Term (Jan-Mar 04) Shivdasani Fellowships Awards for this fellowship have been granted to two scholars this term, one from India and one from Italy.

My visit to Oxford

by Bhavit Mehta

I thought I would share with you my feelings and experience from my recent visit to the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies.

The few days leading up to the trip were pretty hectic at work and with my studies. A coach had not been confirmed for Saturday (which was partly my fault) and hence I could not inform many people about the day trip. When the coach was finally confirmed, I spent many hours phoning around asking friends if they would be interested in joining the ëyatra' to Oxford! Unfortunately most (in fact ALL) had other commitmentsÖquite understandably.