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Reality, Religion, Passion

Reality, Religion and Passion - Jessica Frazier
Reality, Religion and Passion

OCHS alumnus, research fellow, and Academic Administrator, Dr Jessica Frazier has published her first book, Reality, Religion, and Passion.

The title, part of Lexington’s Comparative Philosophy and Religion Series examines the mission of two philosophers – one Western, Gadamer, and one Indian, Rupa Gosvami – to establish philosophy’s ‘passion for truth’ in cultures threatened by the dispassion of scepticism. It compares Indian and Western approaches to ideas including religious truth, the goals of philosophy, and emotion in reason and religion.
She is currently working on two more titles. Her next book The Return of the Soul, examines the nature of religious experience and belief, while Defenders of Truth is a survey of Indian philosophers and how their work can inform modern Western philosophy.