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OCHS alumnus wins prestigious research position

Kiyo Okita OCHS
Kiyo Okita OCHS

OCHS alumnus, Dr Kiyokazu Okita, has been offered a three-year post-doctoral research position at Kyoto University, Japan. 

His research will focus on the medieval Vaishnava scholars, Rupa Goswami and Jiva Goswami, particulalry Rupa Goswami's Ujjvala-nilamani.
Dr Okita will be working with former OCHS Shivdasani Fellow, Dr Diwakar Acharya, and Kyoto University's Dr Yuko Yokochi.
The position is funded by JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science), part of Japan's Ministry of Education. Kyoto University is well-known for its Indological research.
Dr Okita is currently teaching at the University of Florida, as have a number of OCHS alumni.