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Dr James Michael Madaio

James has a Phd in Religions and Theology from the University of Manchester with a major focus on Advaita Vedanta

Thomas Ford

Thomas is a visiting student in Religious Studies from Stanford. 

Christopher Fleming

Christopher is pursuing a D.Phil. in Sanskrit. He is also studying Dharmasastra.

Suzanne Sutton

Suzanne is studying Islamic poetics and architecture.

Dimple Dhanani

Dimple is studying towards an M.St. in Women's Studies. Her main interests are ethnography, Indian feminist narratives of NW India, and women in Hindu texts.

Charlotte Pence

Charlotte is studying English and philosophy.

Samuel Maxwell Grimes

Samuel is pursuing an M.Phil. in Calssical Indian Religion conecntrating on Saivism. He has an MA in Asian Religion from the University of Hawaii.

William Westerman

William is studying English, Japanese Linguistics, and Buddhism

Derek Wolter

Derek is studying transpersonal psychology and Hinduism.

Hari Kumar

Hari is is studying for an M.St. on contemporary India with a focus on Indian development and politics.
