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Clarisse Zoulim

MPhil in Philosophy - Paris-Sorbonne University

MA in Philosophy - University College London (2010)


Clarisse is a visiting student from Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris. She is currently studying Philosophy at St Catherine's College. During her stay in Oxford, Clarisse is the French Lectrice to undergraduate students, at both St. Catherine's College and Wadham College.

Jean-Marie Schmitt

BA in Religious Studies - Bard College (2000)
MA in Indian Philosophy - Banaras Hindu University (2002)
Completed his D.Phil at the University of Oxford. His research dealt with the non-dual system of Vedanta as presented by its most celebrated exponent, the late 7th century AD philosopher, Shankara.
His thesis examined Shankara's soteriological tradition in the light of certain pedagogical and interpretive principles.

Cyril Wohrer

BA in Religious Studies (South Asian studies) - University of California, Santa Barbara (2011)

Cyril pursued an MSt in the Study of Religion and his areas of interest were Hinduism and Christianity.